Spring has sprung and so has the time to do some spring cleaning. While the winter months may have left your relationship stale, use the romance of spring to brighten things back up. Whoever said that love was easy clearly never had cabin fever with their significant other.
Out with the old
Now that you’re cleaning out things you don’t use anymore, it’s also time to throw out habits that get in the way of happiness. Does one of you always end up doing dishes? Do you tend to nag on things that aren’t really important? Use this time to talk about what irks both of you, and make a promise to fix those issues.
In with the new
It’s also time to promise to keep adding spice to your love life. After a few repetitions in the bedroom and on date night, things get stale fast. Come up with a list of things you haven’t done together but are willing to try. Something as simple as a pottery night can be just enough flavour to make things interesting again.
Wash your words
This year, strive to practice better communication habits. Words tend to get grimier and grimier as they are weighed down with dirt from past fights. Instead of letting that hold you down, let the past go and focus on the here and now.
Fill the air with love
Remember to show your partner the love you have for them. Short massages, an occasional stolen kiss and breakfast in bed are all simple but effective ways to show that you care. Thank them for doing what they’ve done to make you happy. This also goes beyond your special one. Never forget your close friends and family, either. Sharing gratitude is a great way to freshen up once-stale winter air.
Spend dedicate time with yourself
No matter how long your partner and you have been together, you will never be one person. In order to thrive together, you have to know how to thrive on your own. Spend time each day doing a hobby or activity you love on your own. Then, when you regroup later, you’ll have even more to talk about.
Practice maintenance
Just like the dishes have to be done on a regular basis, so, too, a relationship has to be kept alive and well. If the mess is allowed to build up, overtime the special bond you have begins to get bogged down with pointless frustrations. Make the effort to spend time everyday improving communication, balance, and your sex life.
Spring cleaning is the best time to take a breath of fresh air and let go of all the past buildup on your relationship. By cleaning up with your partner, you can learn to find a greater sense of peace and happiness the clutter kept from you. With enough dedication, you’ll be able to enjoy a love free from past winter woes.