Using your time after a break up wisely will be the cause of your happiness in the future. Sometimes we feel that we need to use our time to go out and hook up with whoever we want. Or, we use our time to stalk our exes until they change their minds. Both of these ultimately make you feel foolish and takes away the greatest value we can give ourselves, our own self worth.
Our time should not be used going backwards nor should it be used to move on right away. Instant gratification never lasts and going backwards is never a solution for anything.
When you have a bad break up, you should use this time to heal what is broken within yourself. Whatever went wrong in your relationship should be addressed and you need to forgive the things you did or did not do. You also need to forgive this person you once felt so strongly for. You do not need to talk to this person in the process, but rather find the forgiveness within you.
You also need to use this time to free yourself from previous attachments and get back on track with your own life. A couple of days can be used to be sad, but within a week you need to start getting into the things that make you happy so your head becomes more clear. You need to find the things that lift you up. Sulking in your own misery for too long will not only bring you down, but will also bring those around you down that want to help you move forward.
You should start to date, but not right away. This will only make you sad because nobody will be able to amount to the person you once loved until you are healed. You will compare everything to your past and be in denial that there is anyone that can relate to you as much as your past lover once did.
Creating your own passions and finding your own desires will help you move forward, but only you are the one who dictates your future as well as your happiness. It is not going to be easy but neither was being in a shitty relationship. Give yourself the time you need to move on and your broken heart will heal sooner than you think.