Sex, a question of preferences
There are days when you want the whole shebang: holding your lover close, kissing and caressing each other, and exchanging sweet nothings all night long. And then, there are other times when you’re in the mood for a faster, more intense encounter. If quickies aren’t a part of your habits yet, here are five great reasons to try them… quickly!
End performance anxiety
The fear of not coming or being able to satisfy your partner, being afraid of looking ridiculous or being judged, not to mention having body image issues. These are all elements that can impede your encounter with your partner. The advantage of fast love? Involuntarily, we are able to throw pre-defined ideas to the wind, and go for what’s important. No time for overthinking; instead, we let go and concentrate on what’s going on here and now.
Learn to better define your needs and boundaries
For the act to be fast and sexually satisfying, learning how to verbalize your expectations as well as your reluctance to engage in certain behaviours and practices becomes essential. Actually, this skill should always be of utmost importance when it comes to intimacy. Why? Because it allows the partners to understand each other and accept the other’s differences, while being attentive to his or her needs.
Go beyond your comfort zone
Getting carried away in the moment also means allowing yourself to take initiative and stop “calculating” everything. We therefore learn how to eroticize the unknown, which can be extremely exciting. We play, explore, switch from being the dominator to the dominated, and through this behavioural change, we open up the possibility for us to become something other than “ourselves”.
Do away with your daily routine
The key to a fulfilling sex life? Innovation! What could be better for spicing things up than a spontaneous roll in the sheets somewhere new? How about the kitchen counter, the staircase, the living room carpet, or even the bathroom? Passion on fast-forward also means pushing the boundaries of your playground outside the bedroom.
Make time for each other
Daily responsibilities, kids or even just fatigue: there are so many factors that can push us to put sex on the backburner. Couples often even stop having sex altogether, for fear or having to engage in elaborate scenarios, which would require too much time or effort. Know this: just a few minutes will suffice for you and your beau to get to seventh heaven! And the benefits? They’re all still there!
By the way, did you know that several studies have shown that a satisfying sexual encounter generally doesn’t last more than 15 minutes?
Ready, set… go!